
It's Starting to Feel Like Christmas

 This week, we finally put up the Christmas tree. You have been asking for weeks if it was time, and I knew if we didn't do it this week, it probably wouldn't get done. There is always something magical about Christmas lights.  One of your favourite parts of decorating this year was helping Dad put out all the decorations on the shelf. Oh, and of course, putting Santa hats on your teddies. Kookie even made it into the family photo.  You also had a great time at Junkyard Park on Monday. I hope it continues and doesn't close. Unfortunately, there weren't too many kids today.  On Monday, it was stinking hot, so we went for a swim at Orion. Auron prayed for a good park, and we got one right out the front! That never happens. 

A Year Of Carter

 Did you know you are SEVEN years old? I can't believe it. I hope you have fun reading this blog. I know how much you love to read our family photo books so I am pretty sure you will love this. I will try to write about all the fun things you do each week. Hopefully, I can remember all the cute things you do and say.  One of the cute things you said recently came about when you were trying to explain that your foot had gone to sleep, and you now had pins and needles. You were struggling to find the right explanation and finally settled on "my foot is sparkling". Now we all say we have "sparkling feet". I hope we say it forever.  There are so many things I could write about you but I'll start with this week. One of the things that you have been wanting to do so badly is go camping. So this week, to celebrate the end of the school year, we went camping for the weekend. It did not go as well as we had hoped, and it ended up being a huge storm! It actually raine...